Friday, 14 December 2012

2011 Art

In 2011, I spent the least amount of time on deviantART so far, submitting only a few additions to my gallery. In fact, I focused more on the forum section of the website, joining in some other people's topics as well as posting my own.

This is the first time I've drawn a male person on Paint. Also, notice my drawing skills are starting to improve, as the girl's bare feet are on the right legs. Her belly button is a little bit too high though..

2011 was also the year Pokémon Black and White was released, marking the introduction of Generation V. This is fanart I made depicting the new Steel-type Klink, peeking out of the hood of a car (or is that a truck?), apparently providing power to it.
Have I left you wanting more? Don't worry, I'll show you my artwork from this year later on today.

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